Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is it safe for a primate to eat human food?

I have a relative who is a caretaker for animals who need rehabilitation. He allowed me to take home a 4 year old chimp named Jerry for a couple of weeks to get a feel for what he does so that I may be able to help him with the facility. I admit I did not know much going into this, and the first week went great. I fed him bananas all the time and Cocoa Puffs for breakfast if he behaved just like on the commericals. But lately he has been getting very ill and has constant diarrhea. I tried Sprite as that settles me stomach after I have been drinking heavily and have beer shits. He was fine Saturday night, some friends and I played poker and Jerry watched tv and had some chimp burritos I got him from Taco Bell. I put banana in it to make it healthier. He is getting worse and the burritos are help and neither is the Subway sandwich I got him that has veggies and some banana I added. What could be causing the illness?Is it safe for a primate to eat human food?
Yahoo! staff contacted me after you did this last week.. they assured me that if you did it again, they would block your ISP number from ALL Yahoo! services..All email, search, auctions, group forums, photo management, maps, etc..

I was employed by Yahoo! this summer, and they are a first class act..I am betting they keep promises..
Basic diet of Fruits is best.

Illness is from the spicie foods your given to him.

You need to carry him to a vet b/f you kill him.Is it safe for a primate to eat human food?
Jerry is not adapted to eating cooked food.
Is there ever going to be a way to weed out people like you? I have read a lot of questions and answers since I started this a short time ago. I call it on-line assistance, in all categories and the majority I read are sincere and provide cost free expert advice. Looks like people like you will caught eventually, but why torment us that really need to ask these questions and see the answers. Just started Yahoo answers, but some Q %26amp; A's just don't set right.

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