Friday, March 9, 2012

How can i improve my fitness program?

Basicaly i decided to get back it to shape 3 months ago, Since then ive gone from 100kg down to 80kg and have added a whole lot of muscle as well, But im thinking how can i maximise my efforts.

Ill go to the Gym every second day, Ill Run 10km, 5km at 14km/h and then drop it to 12km/h, 11km/h and then 10km/h with a 400m warm up at the start and at the end, After that ill go on the rowing machinne for 2km and if im not at the gym im walking about 10+km anyway with the stuff ive got to do

Then ill go to the free weight room and do my arms and then ill do my chest, legs and back and ill do the thing where you grab the handles and pull forward as far as possible to do your tummy.

My diet many consits of Weetbix/ Special K with lite Soy milk for breakfast, SIx inch subway for lunch and for dinner ill have Subway or i have some lean meat with some vegetables for dinner.

Im really worried about my tummy though, Because its fat and has no muscle in it and im starting to get hungryHow can i improve my fitness program?
Um your stomach has a lot of muscle in it, but you're not doing anything to develop that muscle. You work your arms, chest, legs, back and yet you forget your abs. You need both cardio(which you have and it sounds good) and then weight training as well. You should start adding a routine for your abs a couple of days a week. You also need to eat more than 3 times a day. You should be having 4-6 mini meals a day to keep your metabolism up. That'll help with fat loss as well.

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