Monday, March 12, 2012

What do you think of my food intake?

This is what i eat on avergae:

Breakfast: Porridge made with semi skimmed milk

2 x toast with flora + jam

Lunch: Porridge (again!) or a turkey breast wrap from subway (lettuce, tomato, onion, sweetcron, no sauce)

Snack: Apple

Tea: prawn noodles strirfry/ tuna rice stirfry/ sausage casserole/ fish and salad

supper:mullerice.What do you think of my food intake?
Sounds ok .. may I give you an idea to help healthen/ balance it up?

You're lacking in calcium/ dairy, protein, and fruits/ vegetables along with healthy fats- ohman!

Breakfast: 1/2 -3/4 Cup oats/ oatmeal made with 250mL semi- skimmed milk with either 1/4 cup dried fruit, 3/4 cup fresh- frozen berries, or a chopped banana added.

With two sliced of wholewheat toast with 2tbsp natural or organic smooth/ crunchy peanut butter.

Lunch: (Don't have oatmeal/ porridge again! go for the sandwhich/ wrap with protein!)

Turkey breast wrap (lettuce, tomato, onion, sweetcorn, cheese, and light sauce- mustard/ honey mustard, sweet onion terryaki, etc ..)

Snack: Apple and lowfat yoghurt

Tea: Chicken/ beef/ tuna/ or shrimp stirfry with brown/ long grain rice or prawn noodles and added vegetables/ soy- terryaki sauce.


Salmon/ salad and brown/ long grain rice (or couscous/ quinoa)

Or ..

Turkey/ lean beef/ tuna/ turkey sasuage cassarole with cooked vegetables or side salad- with dressing.

Supper: Mullerrice.

Hope i'v helped, goodluck!
go here

put in what you ate

put in your weight and height and how much you want to lose

it will tell you where you are w/ respect to your goal.What do you think of my food intake?
It should keep you regular!

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