Because they DON'T love freedom of choice, except for themselves
You mean like Conservatives saying everyone is supposed to be a christian?
Why do conservatives ignore remarks like Ednas? I guess because it refutes their/your illogical viewpoint?
Until I see a republican such as yourself defending liberals I will ignore your question's silly adendums.Why does it seem Liberals want to force everyone to be alike?
Well don't conservatives do the same with what they deem to be wrong (abortion, gay marriage, euthanasia, prostitution, etc, etc). Are you really that deluded? Everyone does it.
I am for live and let live as long as you are not interfering with my life.
It seems Liberals want to force everyone to be alike because liberals try to force everyone to be alike.
A focus group of two.
You must be a scientist.
Perhaps it is YOU who thinks all people are alike. You assume all liberals are vegetarian. You should stop stereotyping.
They are the world's busy-bodies who cannot repsect anyone else or mind their own business.
Liberals are like fleas--the suck the blood out of everything they come in contact with.
Not eating meat has nothing to do with being a liberal. They remind me of anti-abortion activists.
People like that are a joke, and should be treated as such.
Libs are the least tolerant people on Earth. They make klansmen seem like Mr Rogers.
No No No ... I do not want to be LIKE a Conservative!
we don't as I like a variety
its obtuse to say the left or the right 'always' does one thing or another ... this question is little more than a rant looking for justification ... if you're going to judge others and call people names expect it to be done to you ... personally I see conformity as a conservative Christian issue, rather than a liberal issue ... but I also see liberals get frustrated at peoples failure to conceive a bigger picture
Whats more(?) ... its a bit childish to take it personally, you don't know any of these people, and none of these people know you ... and if they can push your buttons with simple written words, you lack self control, and emotional awareness
Well if you think something is immoral, it's just logical that you think everyone should be 'alike' in that everyone should not do that immoral act. Don't you think we should all be alike in abstaining from theft? Or do you think people should be free to choose to steal? It goes without saying that freedom of choice is restricted by considerations of morality.
I'm not a vegetarian, incidentally, but I can understand why people would say those sorts of things and it has nothing to do with a desire for conformity.
Your attribution of this mindset to 'liberals' is just ridiculous. What about abortion protesters, who think we should all be alike in not having abortions? What about those who oppose gay marriage, who believe all mariages should be alike in having one man and one woman? This isn't a liberal thing; it's just a necessary implication of thinking that something is wrong. And we all think that some things are wrong.
I am a liberal and I love steak. Why do conservatives stereotype every liberal to be alike?
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