Monday, March 12, 2012

I don't know whats going on with me today.?

Well right now I'm on Summer Vacation in California. So when I woke up, I walked over to Subway to get some breakfast. I told the person behind the counter what I wanted and she asked me what kind of sandwich what I wanted and weirdly my brain just shut down and it was like she was speaking in another language. She asked me again, I was still blank until a woman next to me told me that she was asking me what I wanted on it and I finally snapped out of it. When it was time to pay(total was $8.05) when he asked me for the money. I gave him $8.05. But he repeated himself "The total is $8.05" I said "that is $8.05." The cashier said "I only see $7.05. And suddenly my brain saw that it was an extra dollar short. I don't know if I was hallucinating or what at the time. Then when I opened the door, it wouldnt budge. And I found out that I was pressing on the wrong side of the door. I dont know if the West Coast heat is getting to me, if I'm just angry about my family life or me being stuck at my cousin's house doing nothing, or maybe if I'm just simply lacking the nutrients my body needs/I don't know whats going on with me today.?
It probably a number of things that cause You to space out. It happens to everyone. I've learned to just save face and incur some humor into such a situation by smiling and saying gosh..i must have jet lag...or Sorry I only had a few hours sleep and I'm afraid I'm not 'fully' awake yet! As far as the error in paying your bill...again this happens occasionally to 'everyone' I've learned to laugh and say 'gosh that simple math really gets to me sometimes and pretend to knock on my brain.

If I were yu just pay attention and if anything truly alarming happens mentioned it to your parents. If you've had any type of a fall or hit your head you might want to go to the ER @ your local hospital Fra too many time people over look that something serious my be wrong.

Try not to trip on it. Because seriously it happens everyday to many people. Sorry you're having a bad time in Southern, Cal. I'm in Northern, California ! . Maybe somebody just needs to ge the party started ??? your cousins house...

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