Here is my problem. I am 28, 6'2 and a half, and weigh 350 pounds. I wasn't heavy until I was 11 or 12, and then started putting on weight. Please no smart cracks. I want to safely lose a ton of weight, and keep it off. Keeping it off seems the hard part. I did lose around 50 pounds when I was 23 and then fell off the wagon and gained it back in 2 years. The advice I get is it is much easier to lose weight now when I am young than when I am older. My problem is bad habits. Eating a lot of crap, eating late in the evening. If I just put my foot down and say, no more junk, eat only a cereal bar for breakfast, a subway healthy sandwich for lunch, and don't eat at all after 8 PM, how much effect can this have? Also, how effective is weight watchers? My boss, who wasn't even too heavy to start with, and in his late 40s when it is harder to lose weight, joined, and lost 30 pounds in 4 months. If he was able to do that, there is no telling what I can do. Also, how long if I change my habits, should it take to lose a lot of weight? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks.How can I lose 100 pounds or more healthily?
The first answerer has a lot of good advice :) just wanted to add a few things. Dont try to just have a cereal bar for breakfast! It is the most important meal, it should be the biggest meal you have. lunch should be the smallest, and then dinner in the middle. 2 HEALTHY snacks a day are helpful too :) keeps ur metabolism up!
You HAVE to exercise if you're gonna do this. Join a gym if you can, if not, do you have a wii? EA Active is GREAT it has so many awesome workouts and really gets you in shape. If you dont have that, then just go to walmart and buy some little weights and a jump rope, and some running sneakers. You've gotta get moving!
I hope I helped and good luck on your journey!
God Bless!
xoxo Rachael
P.S. to wendel: a food calorie is 1000 chemistry calories, anything you read about diet/food calories is actually kCals but everyone calls them calories. There are 4.184 joules in a CHEMISTRY calorie, not a food calorie. 4184 in a food calorie.
If you know correct diet info and program, diet is easy. If you are serious, you must have fast diet program that works for you. I recommend you my diet program for you. I lost 11 pounds in 30 days and it was very fast. You can do it too. You can get more info from link below.How can I lose 100 pounds or more healthily?
If you want to lose 30 pounds in 4 months, just eat healthier and exercise more, and that mean you will 90 pounds in one year. Good luck!
There is a whole lot of data published that is WRONG.
As an instance here in the UK we have a snack called Quaavers on the front of the packet is has printed 88 Calories per pack, however on the reverse they print in the energy value column 88 KCal which to my mind means 88 KILO calories which surely turns out to be 1000 times greater.
I would prefer it if manufactures printed their ENERGY values in Joules or Calories plain and simple, anything else can be miss-leading especially to anyone on a diet.
A Joule is worth 4.186 Calories.
At its most basic weight loss is all down to your daily calorie intake. If you eat less calories then your body needs you will lose weight. In this regard exercise just means you can eat more food then you could without exercise. If you’ve no interest in exercise you just need to track your calories, and aim for between 500-1000 calories below your daily maintenance level.
You can track your calories, and calculate your daily calorie requirements on one of the following sites:
I’d strongly advise you do so to begin with as it’ll give you a greater understanding of how many calories different foods have. It might surprise you how many calories foods that people consider to be healthy and ideal for weight loss actually have. For example, 100g of uncooked pasta, which is about a handful, is around 250-350 calories.
These basic steps should be enough to get you started with your weight loss, but if you want to fine tune your diet a bit there’s more you can do. The main thing you can do is reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet. Carbohydrates are found in foods like pasta, bread, starchy vegetables, rice, sugar, and other foods that make up a big part of the modern diet.
The problem with carbohydrates is that when you eat them your body produces insulin, and insulin plays a major role in the production and storage of fat. If you combine fat and carbohydrates in a meal then you are providing the body with everything it needs to store as much fat as possible.
Ideally you should aim for your calories to come from 40% protein, 40% fat, and 20% carbohydrates. The level of fat might seem high, but you need to remember that dietary fat is not the same as the fat in your body. When you eat fat it’s broken down and used immediately to provide energy to the body, and only stored when you are either consuming a lot of carbohydrates, or eating more calories than your body needs. If you are on a diet this won’t be a problem. You can eat whatever you like as long as you stick to this nutrition split.
The following is a list of high carbohydrate foods to avoid:…
And here’s high protein food:…
Next, exercise. You don’t need to exercise, but it’ll help you get fitter and improve your body shape. I’d recommend regular cardio exercise, such as jogging, or jumping rope, but high intensity stuff like Zumba will do as well, and if you enjoy it that’s even better.
I’d recommend 3 sessions of cardio exercise a week at a minimum, and if you are going to start jogging then I’d recommend the Couch to 5k plan, which is ideal for beginners :…
If you want a great body shape you should aim to go to the gym 3 alternate days a week, and remember the key to building muscle is doing a few sets of a low number of reps at the highest weight you can manage. People who pick up tiny weights and lift them 250 times are basically doing very inefficient cardio exercise that doesn't do anything to build muscle.
Toning is just reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass. Anything that suggests you can “tone” by doing some light weight exercise lots of time is really taking a very inefficient route to improving the shape of your body.
With weight lifting it depends whether or not you have access to a gym. If you do I suggest you follow a plan like Starting Strength, the wiki of which is full of very useful information :…
The actual programme is here :…
If you don't have gym access read Brain over Brawn, a free ebook, which contains lot's of useful information about dieting and weight loss :
I highly recommend you read it regardless of your plans, as it will educate you on what is required to lose weight.
With a calorie controlled diet you’ll lose weight, with added cardio you’ll get fit, and with weight lifting you’ll look great, but how much you are prepared to do is up to you.
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