im getting married in Aug. which is in a little over 4 months. i want to lose weight and my love handles before i walk down the aisle. i have been trying to eat better (a thing of yogurt, or oat meal for breakfast/subway for lunch/and different things for dinner), not drinking cokes, and walking when i can. so far i have not lost any weight at all and i have been doing this for a month. can somebody please help me. i would like any request (exercises or recipes) as long as i can do them at home. thank you!How to lose weight and love handles fast?
From what you are doing, it doesn't seem like you are cutting back a lot.Believe it or not, you have to eat at least five times a day to lose weight. (don't get too excited!!!) It is three meals and two snacks. The snacks CAN NOT be carbohydrates, but they MUST be raw fruit. For example, an apple/carrot/pear. Raw fruit/vegetables burn more calories being digested than the amount of calories in the actual food. The reason you eat so often is because you are cheating your body into thinking that you are eating more food so that it will quicken your metabolism to burn the little food you just ate. Drink at least 8 glasses of ice cold water per day because this fills you up and detoxifies your go to the bathroom a lot at first but then your body gets used to all that water and you don't.O yea, you should definitely cut out the subway....VERY BAD CHOICE!!! Here's an example of what a menu should look like- Breakfast- 1 cup of oatmeal and apple; Snack; 3 carrots; Lunch- 2slices of whole wheat bread(w/ whatever you put on a sandwich); Snack- pear; Dinner-w/e...NO 2nd helpings...hope this helps cuz i have been struggling with weight loss too....I have been on this diet for 2 weeks + walking my dog for an hour per day and I lost 6 pounds.
well its takes dedication, push yourself on the walks, go from stretching, to walking to jogging, push yourself but don't over do it.if you over do it you will be in pain. when you eat try to eat Early break fast when you wake up. make it a big breakfast. lunch make it medium like a sandwich. dinner make it small and make it vegetables. the earlier You eat the fatty foods the earlier you will burn them. that way you wont starve and by dinner you will be ok not hungry. starving yourself makes it worse i tried it it does not workHow to lose weight and love handles fast?
Running will help a lot of course.
But go to youtube they have a lot of love handle videos.
Just type how to lose love handles
Get a workout buddy or support buddy. Find someone with similar goals and to support and keep you on track with your fitness goals. I have a friend I talk to daily on messenger and she helps me stay motivated and achieve my fitness goals.
Set a goal for yourself. Whether it be to lose 10 lbs or fit into those size 4 jeans, set a time frame and then when you reach that goal, reward yourself with some new clothes or your favorite free meal.
Take pictures. Take a picture of yourself in swim suit or shorts and after a couple weeks of workouts, take another picture and compare. It's a great motivational tool when you see the results!
Cut out a motivational picture. Look in magazines or online and choose a body type that you would like to have. Hang it on your fridge and look at it every day. Envision yourself looking like that picture. When you are on the treadmill and getting tired, think of that picture and push yourself to work even harder to reach that goal.
Plan your workouts. When you make a plan to go running or lift some weights, you are more likely to actually DO them, so sit down and plan when and what workouts you want to do for a whole week.
Good Luck and Take care :-), you can do this!!
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