Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Is this too much sugar for one day/will it make me gain weight?

Breakfast: 10 grapes, 5 blackberries, 5 raspberries, 5 strawberries.

Lunch: Veggie Delight 6" Subways Sub w/ Honey Mustard, sweet onion, and red wine vinegar.

Dinner: 5 grapes, a cup of WW Boston Creame Yogurt, and A cup of Fiber One cereal.

Is this too much sugar for one day and will it make me gain weight?Is this too much sugar for one day/will it make me gain weight?
sounds fine to me, but cut back on the dressings.
if that makes you gain weight, how about 2 10 oz cups of coffee with 3 tsp heaped sugar each, and hazelnut creamer, made light?

Wish I could eat like you...Is this too much sugar for one day/will it make me gain weight?
You're breakfast is not enough to cover you for the day. It's called Breakfast for a reason - you're supposed to make ti your "biggest" meal.

How about switching what you eat for dinner to what you're having for breakfast. Then replacing breakfast for a snack, and making your dinner something more sensible. You can't deprive yourself that badly.

Breakfast: Fiber One Cereal, Boston Cream Yogurt, 5 grapes

Lunch: Veggie Delight 6" Sub.

Snack: 10 grapes, 5 blackberries, 5 raspberries, 5 strawberries.

Dinner: 1/4 of the plate with protein (chicken, turkey, etc). 1/4 plate of starch (potatoes, rice, etc). 1/2 plate of veggies

Too much sugar can hold a lot of water weight. Even if it is fruits, etc. They still contain a lot of carbs. What you were having was alright, but you need to balance it out.
lol...what are you like 88 lbs???
You should have more for breakfast and less for lunch. And you're not eating enough. God I am so sick of people going on these diets where they count every little peanut or grape they eat. No one ever sticks to it. Seriously if you just eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full you will never have a problem
no and in fact you should probably eat a little more
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